I suffered through loneliness for years.
It wasn’t because I was alone, it was because I didn’t understand where true connection came from and how to create it.
I healed my loneliness, and now I want to teach you what I took years to learn:
Click here to watch the video on healing loneliness and creating connection during quarantine.
The questions below will help you embrace your feelings of loneliness, learn from them, and deepen your connection with yourself so that you never have to feel truly lonely again.
Let yourself feel lonely. This is an opportunity to learn the ways in which you need connection. Become familiar with your loneliness so that you can find the remedy.
Ask yourself what you need. “hey {self}, what do you need right now in order to feel loved and cared for and appreciated?“ Remember: there’s nothing that exists out there in the world that you think you need that you can’t get from inside yourself. Truly, nothing. And what’s more, you can’t get something from outside that you don’t have within you. It’s so ironic, but in order to get something from out there and have it feel good, you have to have already given that to yourself first. Celebration, appreciation, complements, love, gratitude….You will reject these things from others unless you’ve already given them to yourself first.
My best tips for connecting with yourself: Journaling, drawing or painting, DANCING TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC, stretching/yoga/self-massage, cooking your favorite meal for yourself, taking a bath and reading your favorite book or just bathing in silence, asking yourself interesting questions. You may never have done any of these activities with yourself before in your life so it might feel uncomfortable at first--that is okay and to be expected. You are intentionally building a loving relationship with yourself and this is the most important thing you could ever do, so stick with it through the discomfort. You’ll be so happy you did.