Click here to watch the video on handling uncertainty in quarantine. These questions will help you feel less anxious about uncertainty so that you can move forward and live your best life regardless of what’s happening out there in the world.
As recovering codependents, we grew up obsessed with control because we believed that we had to control our outside circumstances in order to be okay. You’re older now and you are OKAY. You are okay without having to control the outside world—because the truth is that you can’t.
Let’s dive into these questions:
Get clear about what you do have control over vs. what you don’t. What have you been desperately trying to control? What lies are you telling yourself about what you have control over? Other people? Circumstances?
What is your mind trying to tell you will happen if you let go of trying to control the people and circumstances around you? Get clear about these fears.
Whatever you’re trying to control outside of you is because you feel out of control inside of yourself in some way. What kind of support and stability do you need to give yourself so that you don’t have to keep trying to do the impossible by controlling people and situations outside of you?