Congratulations! You have just taken a huge step towards moving beyond codependency and building a life you love.
Over the next 7 days, I will be sending you one email per day taking you through the 7 essential steps of recognizing, examining, and healing your codependent tendencies that are holding you back from living your best life.
Let’s dive right in.
Emotional Adulthood is the understanding that no one is responsible for our emotional wellbeing except for ourselves. Emotional Childhood is a state of being where we think that other people cause and are therefore responsible for our feelings. This is THE hallmark of codependency. When you’re in Emotional Childhood, you feel a natural compulsion to try to manipulate others to comply with how you want them to behave because of your delusion that their behavior determines your emotions. You put yourself in a deeply disempowered position where you live at the effect of other peoples’ decisions.
When we develop true Emotional Adulthood & emotional self-reliance, we can free ourselves from trying to live life in pursuit of outside conditions to provide ourselves with good feelings…and we can free our relationships from the obligation to create our wellbeing and happiness.
The Work:
Think of a relationship in which you wish the other person would behave differently. How do you wish they would act? How do you think you’d feel if they complied?
What could this relationship look and feel like if you released the need for the other person to behave exactly the way you want them to in order for you to feel the way you want to?
What steps can you take today, right now, to release the need for this person to act a certain way so that you can feel the way you want to about them? Think of 3 steps, and then put them into practice. Let me know how it goes here.
Tomorrow in Lesson 2 we’ll be taking the concept of Emotional Adulthood a step further by learning about setting healthy boundaries and adjusting expectations in relationships.
If you’d like some free 1:1 guidance about anything we covered in this lesson, click the button below to schedule some time with me.