Click here to watch the video on setting and accomplishing ANY goal you have in quarantine. If you follow these steps and don’t give up, you are guaranteed to accomplish your goal.
Choose a goal with a compelling WHY behind it. It has to mean something to you! Decide to commit to this goal. Don’t cheat yourself by choosing a goal that you’re not actually committed to seeing through until you achieve it.
Look at your thoughts around this goal. What do you believe about it now, and what will you need to believe about yourself in order to accomplish it? Believe that you are becoming that person, that this is literally forming you into the person you imagine yourself being at the end of this goal. Start thinking more empowering, more supportive thoughts about yourself in relation to this goal. Thoughts like:
“It is possible for me to________.”
“ I am dedicating time each day to __________.”
“Even if I don’t feel like it, I will _________.”
“ I know that _________will benefit me in so many ways.”
“ I know how proud I will be when I __________.”
List out all of the steps that are necessary to accomplishing this goal and put them on your calendar. I know you don’t want to, but this part is crucial. When the time comes up on your calendar to do what you said you would do, don’t expect to want to do it. You’re going to want to do almost anything else in the world…do what you promised yourself you would do anyways! Remember: you can just start by calendaring ONE HOUR A DAY. Just one. Start somewhere.
How can you achieve this goal and be kind and loving towards yourself the whole time? Remember: kindness doesn’t mean endless netflix & ice cream. Sometimes kindness means structure, prioritizing your goals and dreams over immediate comfort, doing things that benefit you in the future rather than what sounds fun in the moment. Be a good friend to your future self and put this goal before your sense of comfort.
Recenter your sense of approval, permission, and appreciation WITHIN YOURSELF. Don’t look for it in others, and don’t look for it in the accomplishment of this goal, either! You’re the one that can give you the feelings you’re seeking from external sources. Just give them to yourself without conditions. I promise you will not become complacent, lazy, entitled if you do so--you will just be more peaceful in the pursuit of your goals.